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Mountain Moving Made Easy

“In this life, there will be mountains that will stand in the way of possessing the promises of God, maximizing our potential and reaching our destiny. Dr Yvette Rice’s book, Mountain Moving Made Easy, expounds upon and explains the principles of faith in such a simple and practical way that the obstacles we face in life no longer seem impossible to move. Dr. Rice is fully convinced that as a mountain mover, she has the God-kind of faith: the faith that moves mountains and not mountains moving her. Mountain Moving Made Easy is worth the investment. May your faith be fed through the knowledge of the truth revealed in this book until mountains become easier to move by FAITH.”

Mountain Moving Made Easy Workbook

If you are ready to move mountains in your life, the Mountain Moving Made Easy Workbook is as a wonderful resource supplement to enhance your ability to apply the principles you will learn while reading the book, Mountain Moving Made Easy (ISBN-13: 978-0-9755217-5-5). As mentioned in Mountain Moving Made Easy, the difference between those who have and those who have not is the understanding and application of the Word of God in their lives. Matthew 13:12 AMP expresses it in this manner: “For whoever has [spiritual knowledge], to him will more be given and he will be furnished richly so that he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”This workbook was designed for individual or group study. It will serve as a great tool for churches, nonprofit organizations, study groups, and spiritual leaders to launch a new walk of faith. For the beginner, I have used simple and practical references that steer you to God for mountain-moving faith. For the more mature Christian, I have provided thought-provoking exercises to water seeds that were planted while reading the book, Mountain Moving Made Easy. Enjoy your faith journey.- Yvette Rice, Th.D.

Women in Leadership - Living Beyond Challenges: 11 Stories of Courage and Triumph

Are you ready to shine as a legacy of victory and leadership?Throughout Scripture, God strategically placed women in specific places and times to bring about remarkable change for His people and the world. But their assignments did not come without challenges – and neither do yours.In this hour, we believe the Lord has a specific assignment for each one of you to be light bearers who change the lives of people in your circles of influence. You are here, right now, to shine for His glory!Women in Leadership – Living Beyond Challenges will introduce you to 11 remarkable women whose unique stories of courage, tenacity, and triumph will elevate and inspire you to take your place with them in bringing about remarkable change in how you lead in every area of your life for Him and in your world. Join authors Dr. Amanda H. Goodson, Dr. Yvette Rice, Rosalind Longmire, Dr. Jana Lovelace, Jeannie Lynch, Jana Monroe, Melissa Morrison-Ellis, Catherine Ripley, Odetta Scott, Sharon Wamble-King, and Amarie Whetten as they each share their story from challenges to Victory!


“Learning to Live in Victory and Excellence”

1629 4th Avenue SE, Suite 108
Decatur, Alabama 35601
Corporate Office: 256-686-2940
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